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CLUW Membership

Important Information:

• To join a Local CLUW Chapter, you first must be a national CLUW member and then pay chapter dues (which are determined by each chapter).


• Any applicant, other than a student, who does not indicate specific union membership on the CLUW membership application will be classified as an Associate Member.


Become a Member of the CLUW Legacy


Membership is the critical force that gives CLUW its power and direction. Thousands of committed activists across the nation have already joined CLUW. You, too, can be part of the foundation for CLUW's future success.

CLUW members are automatically signed up as CLUW e-Activists to receive periodic E-mails on issues important to union women. If you do not want to receive them, please use the "unsubscribe" link included in every e-Activist Alert.


If you want to inquire about CLUW membership, please click the following links below:


Pay National Dues

Pay Local Chapter Dues

We Need Your Support Today!

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