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Voter Registration

Vote by Mail


Absentee ballot applications must be received 3 days before Election Day. No excuse is required to vote absentee in Ohio.


In-person Absentee and Early Voting

Ohio offers in-person absentee voting at the local County Board of Election or a designated early voting location. In person absentee voting begins 35 days before Election Day and ends the evening on the Friday before Election Day.


Where to Vote

On Election Day, vote at your neighborhood polling location.  Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. eastern time.


Voting in Primaries

In Ohio, unaffiliated voters may choose which party primary they would like to vote in.

17-year-olds can vote in primary elections if they will be 18 by the corresponding general election.

Access for Voters with Disabilities

Voters with physical disabilities have access to curbside voting.

Voters who are unable to sign their name due to a physical disability may use a signature stamp cross or mark to sign.

Voters with disabilities, like all Americans, have the right to cast a private and independent ballot. Federal laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Help America Vote Act require polling places, and the voting process from start to finish, to be accessible for people with all types of disabilities.


Do I Need an ID to Vote?

All voters must bring acceptable identification to the polls on Election Day in order to verify identity.


Acceptable identification includes a current and valid photo identification; military identification; or a copy of a current (within the last 12 months) utility bill (including cell phone bill), bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document, other than a voter registration acknowledgement notification mailed by the board of elections, that shows the voter’s name and current address.




To vote in Ohio at the polls on Election Day, you must show either your Ohio driver’s license or state identification card.


If you don’t have either, you can present:


  • Military identification

  • An unexpired photo id issued by the US gov’t or State of Ohio with your name and current address

  • An original or copy of a current utility bill with your name and present address

  • An original or copy of a current bank statement with your name and present address

  • An original or copy of your current paycheck stub with your name and present address

  • An original or copy of a government document other than a notice of voter registration mailed from the board of elections that shows your name and present address.


If you do not have any of the above forms of identification, you can provide the last four digits of you Social Security number and cast a provisional ballot. BUT in order for your ballot to be counted, you must return with approved ID within seven (7) days to have the provisional ballot counted.

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